Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Well I guess it should probably be said two days after...which is better! What am I talking is that Rusty who is my wife's cousin from WV got engaged. The word on the street is that it happenned at Bridal Veil Falls where they first became boyfriend/girlfriend.

The above picture is of the Bridal Veil Range and doesn't show the actual falls...which are beautiful but this picture entrigued me because it is what you see going up and down Provo Canyon. This is a view that I had everyday for about eight months as I drove up and down the canyon traveling from Aspen Grove to BYU.

This picture to the left is taken from Aspen looking towards what many people think is Mt. Timpanogos but it is not. It is called Robert's Horn.

I'll miss the Rocky Mountains when we move back east but look forward to exploring the Shenandoah.

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