Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We just threw this muffin mix away over the weekend. It was best used by 7/14/06. That means we at least bought it when we first moved to Virginia, but maybe as early as when we lived in Provo. It has managed to make it through our move to Chantilly and Herndon, the birth of Mason and Beckham and almost all the rest of my nieces and nephews, my jobs at FEA, Applebees and American University, Jen's jobs at Applebees, Cheesecake Factory, and the County Courthouse, 4 Christmas's's'es and....Janica's wedding whose birthday the mix expired on. I remembering going through my parent's cupboards and seeing some of the old spices that they had and have heard this is quite common to have expired stuff in your cupboards.
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