Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mason Duke Roane

Jen and I had a very special gift given to us on December 9, 2008. Mason Duke Roane came into our lives at 7:33 pm that day weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces. It was an emotional high for me as I imagine it is for most new dads to see their first child. The first few screams were amazing to hear in the operating room as stood up to see over the operating sheet and see our baby. I felt like jumping for joy and kept looking around the room wanting to tell everyone in the room that that is our boy...that we made that little baby you just pulled out of my wife. I didn't thought because I had a muzzle on me to keep the germs in my mouth and nose to myself. After seeing the boy I really wanted Jen to see him put she wasn't able to until a few minutes later after they had him cleaned up. It was a one of the greatest experiences I've ever had in my life. And I just want to thank my wife for all the pain and suffering she went through to our little masonite into the world. And thank Heavenly Father for this great opportunity he has given us to raise this child. And thanks to my parents and family for their support. And Jen's family deserve a special thanks, especially Carmen for coming all the way from Morgantown in the middle of the night to be with Jen. And to our friends, especially the ones that have let us hang around their babies and learn from them.
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3 observations:

Janica Ellsworth said...

What a cute picture! You and jen are cute parents. Don't you just love babies? They really change the perspective you have on life.

JPI said...

Wow, your baby came gift wrapped. I'll need to look into this for next time.


Steve said...

Way to go on the new baby!